Did you know? 75% of adults in Iowa on Medicaid are working. Meet David - just one of many hardworking individuals thriving thanks to our heavily Medicaid-supported employment services! With guidance and encouragement, David turned two job offers into a dream career which could lead to his decreased reliance on Medicaid going forward.
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Receiving the APSE Iowa Employer Award is a fitting tribute to Melanie Zimmerman's exceptional dedication to disability inclusion in employment.
Perched at a table with her Village Inn uniform on, Becky showed off her 1-year pin with pride. "I celebrated one whole year here and I love it."
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), a time dedicated to celebrating the contributions of workers with disabilities have to offer and raising awareness about the value of inclusive workplaces.
By supporting this crucial service, you're advocating for an inclusive workforce where everyone has the opportunity to live, work and grow in their community.
After graduating EPI services, Maggie came back to provide services herself.
Thank you for believing in people just like Beau with your generous donations to the Exceptional Persons Foundation.
Despite significant job gains over the past few months, many workers are facing higher levels of unemployment. As America's economy recovers, inclusion will be key to our success.
When searching for the right employee, David wasn't the only one Kate interviewed, but she has been happy with her decision to hire him since.
Finding a job is a stressful task for most anyone, but Shane knew it's what he wanted to do in order to gain greater independence.
We provided education on Autism, specifically, what it means, what to expect, and most importantly, how to appropriately interact.
Check out the latest businesses to our growing list of business partners who employ persons served!
2016's More Than You See dueling pianos, silent auction benefit will be better than ever! New date, new location, new dueling pianos! This is an event you won't want to miss.
Nicole Ericson, Associate Program Director with EPI, was recognized earlier this week for her efforts to support Iowans with disabilities to exercise their responsibility to contribute toward self-sufficiency through work.
In 2013, only 17.6% of persons with a disability were employed.* For persons served by EPI you helped countless persons with disabilities realize their dream to work in the community.