Exceptional Persons, Inc.'s (EPI's) employee Roger Konseiga has become the first member of EPI's 5-Star Club as he was selected as EPI's November Direct Support Professional (DSP) of the month.
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Exceptional Persons, Inc.'s (EPI's) Giving Tree will be open to the public starting with an open house on Friday, November 16...
Chris Sparks, EPI Executive Director, has been elected as Vice President of ANCOR (American Network of Community Options and Resources) board of directors.
Weight loss is a battle for many. For Janice Campbell, one of EPI's direct support professionals, it's a battle she's winning.
Fifty-five years ago EPI committed to serving Iowa's most vulnerable - persons with disabilities - and envisioned change where individuals with disabilities could live a life as valuable members of the community.
DSPs, Direct Support Professionals, provide critical supports so that people with disabilities and their families can be active members of their community.
Nicole Rand, EPI program director, has been appointed to the Iowa ASPE board of directors.
EPI has embarked on a journey to become one of the first Lighthouse Leader agencies in the U.S.
In just under five years with EPI, Leanna Haahr has accomplished quite a bit. If you asked her what stands out the most in her growing list of accomplishments she'd most likely tell you “the job I do every day as a Direct Support Professional (DSP) - helping the persons I serve be as independent as possible.”
Exceptional Persons, Inc. Children and Family Services Director Receives Janet George Leadership Award.
Susan Koch-Seehase, EPI services Director, has been named to the Iowa Mental Health and Disability Services Commission Vice Chair position.