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Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities

We're here to support you in the activities you enjoy - like going for a bike ride, attending local events, nature walks, and even a few new activities to add to your list.

Working Together

Our approach is to come along side of you on your journey. We bring respect and a fundamental commitment to you. We don't give up. Here's a few of the areas we can work on together:

  • Supporting your physical and emotional good health - like learning about nutrition, discovering a workout routine, finding support groups, and more.
  • Establishing a safe and healthy environment where you're making your own decisions
  • Personal growth and development
  • Help you continuously build your independence in your daily living
  • Encouraging your social life - connecting with your family, friends, neighbors and your community


Three Direct Support Professionals at EPI have been recognized on a national stage as Iowa Direct Support Professionals of the Year. This a testament to quality of service you can expect from EPI. Learn more about our staff.

Service Options

The experienced staff at EPI can offer the following service options:

What's New

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