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Gift in Kind Items

Please contact us in advance before dropping off donated items.

If your donation is something we need...

  • We want to hear from you first so we can work with you to make delivery as easy as possible.
  • Your donations to Exceptional Persons, Inc. may be tax deductible. If we can find a home for your item(s) we will mail or email you a copy of our Gift in Kind form. 

Thank you for thinking of us! 

If your donation is not an item we currently need...

We only accept items we kind find an immediate home for simply because don't have the space. Never fear, we've come up with a solution that will still help you help us. 

  • We have an account at Stuff, Etc. Quality Consignment in Waterloo. If the item you wish to donate is not on our wish list, simply take it to Stuff, Etc, let them know you'd like the proceeds to go to the Exceptional Persons, Inc.'s account.  No appointment is needed.
  • When your item sells, EPI will get 50% of the proceeds. The proceeds are passed on to the individuals we serve, allowing them to shop at Stuff to find the items they need.

We're excited about this arrangement because the persons we support to have the ability to shop for and choose items the items they like and the sizes they need. The ability to choose is a valuable gift. Thank you in advance!

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