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Maghan Bowman

Executive Operations Director

Blog posts by this Author:

  • Take Action Now: Protect Medicaid!

    One of the most critical issues at hand is the potential reduction in federal Medicaid funding, which could have devastating effects on HCBS for individuals with I/DD. Advocacy tools inside article!

  • Advocating Today for a Better Tomorrow

    Though the election season is over, our advocacy work is only just beginning. We believe, by supporting the rights and needs of individuals with disabilities, we're working not only for a more inclusive society today but also for a brighter, more accessible future.

  • Empowering Voters

    We'd like to share highlighted key information to help you understand your rights and the support available for voting so you're ready to hit the polls this November 5.

  • Advocate Today!

    Our friends at American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR) have released a new Advocacy Toolkit to help step up your summer advocacy efforts!

  • Advocating for You

    Join us in supporting the #DisabilityCommunityAct, which protects access to critical long-term supports and services for people with I/DD by increasing federal Medicaid funding for I/DD services over a three-year period.

  • Creating Healthy Opportunities

    We must work together to ensure environments and facilities are available and accessible to people with disabilities.

  • New COVID Booster Available

    New bivalent COVID-19 boosters approved by FDA and CDC will help protect against newest Omicron variants. While the threat of new variants will always remain, this new booster is expected to provide a better degree of protection compared to the original booster dose.

  • EPI Receives Highest CARF Accreditation

    We are pleased to report to you that Exceptional Persons, Inc. has been accredited for a period of three years. The latest accreditation is a Three-Year Accreditation that the international accrediting body, CARF, has awarded to EPI, lasting until February 28, 2022.

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