Celebrating One Year of Employment Success
on Tuesday, November 27, 2018
“I usually finish my work early and have to find more to do,” laughed David, employee at River Plaza Athletic Club in downtown Waterloo.
Kate, David’s general manager, smiled and agreed, “I’ve been very happy with his work.”
One year ago, David reached out to EPI for help through our employment services. He was newer to the area, moving from California with his mother, but had aspirations of buying his own car and finding his own place to live.
Fast forward to today and we can happily report David has done just that, but also so much more.
Not only has he completely paid off his car and begun paying rent, but this job has helped him become healthier and happier.
David thanks his active job duties and now membership at the Plaza for losing over 100 pounds in just one year. Not only does he enjoy working there, but he enjoys coming in to use the equipment on his time off.
When searching for the right employee, David wasn’t the only one Kate interviewed, but she has been happy with her decision to hire him since.
River Plaza Athletic Club has been around for over 34 years and has many long-lasting members who thoroughly enjoy the work that David does. They continually hear good things about the improvements he has made.
One of David’s biggest accomplishments has been completely refurbishing the gym’s pool - this was something many members commented on and thanked him for his hard work.
David no longer needs our employment services and we couldn’t be more proud of the work he has done and continues to do.