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EPI subscribes to The National Alliance of Direct Support Professionals Code of Ethics as the foundation for service delivery. The following are the cornerstones of the code and speak to the beliefs and attitudes held by EPI.

1. Person-Centered Supports

Our first loyalty is to the person served with all other activities and functions performed flowing from this allegiance.

2. Promoting Physical and Emotional Well-Being

Supporting the emotional, physical, and personal well-being of individuals served is important at EPI.  We encourage growth and recognize the autonomy of persons served while being attentive and energetic in reducing their risk of harm.

3. Integrity and Responsibility

We believe in assisting people in leading self-directed lives and fostering a spirit of partnership with the people we support, other professionals, and the community.

4. Confidentiality

We safeguard and respect the confidentiality and privacy of each person we serve. Click here for our notice of private practices.

5. Justice, Fairness, and Equity

Further, we actively work to educate our community so they will welcome people with disabilities. Our organization promotes and practices justice, fairness, and equity for the people we support and within the community as a whole. We affirm the human rights, civil rights, and responsibilities of persons served.

6. Respect

We recognize the uniqueness and value of all persons.

7. Relationships

EPI Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) support persons served in developing, expanding, and maintaining important social relationships with family and others.

8. Self-Determination

We believe in supporting people to direct the course of their own life.

9. Advocacy

Our efforts to support persons served to exercise self advocacy for justice, inclusion, and full community participation.

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