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The Giving Tree Tradition

The Story Behind the EPI Giving Tree

The Giving Tree tradition began over 15 years ago with a simple mission: to meet modest needs of the individuals served by EPI - needs that might otherwise go unmet. By fulfilling a need on the Giving Tree, you provide someone with a gift to open during the holiday season, bringing a touch of joy to those who may not otherwise receive one because they or their families do not have the means.

What Are Some of the Items Requested?

The Giving Tree wish lists include essentials and some simple comforts. Needs range from warm winter coats, socks, and shoes, to household basics like pots, pans, and cleaning supplies for individuals moving into their first apartments. Some have asked for books or movies to enjoy during quiet moments, while others look forward to receiving practical items that will help them throughout the year. Each gift fulfills a real need, bringing warmth and joy to someone’s holiday.

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