We need your help to make these critical housing updates a reality. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps us move closer to a world where accessibility is the norm, not the exception.
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It's the first time someone places a set of keys in your hand, the first box you unpack in effort to make your place feel like a home. For many, this feeling happens soon after graduating school. For Chad, it came 34 years later.
We'd like to share highlighted key information to help you understand your rights and the support available for voting so you're ready to hit the polls this November 5.
EPI strives to create accessible housing equipped to support mobility limitations within homes of the people we serve.
EPI is partnering with iLink Technologies to create even more opportunities for greater independence.
Technology is all around us. We embrace and support persons served in utilizing their technology of choice. We see smart phones, tablets, video chat, and more increasing independence and connection with friends and family.
While voting at the polls can present challenges to some people we serve, it is our duty to make sure they can still do so.
As the ADA celebrates 25 years, let's remember just how far we've come while continuously working to keep breaking down barriers. Our speakers said it best...view the video here.
Walking across the street. Driving to an appointment. Opening a door to a business. For many, achieving these activities are relatively simple — we might even take them for granted. To many of the persons served by EPI; however, these activities are full of barriers and unspoken messages.