As of 2025, Medicaid provides health coverage to over 80 million Americans, about 1 in 5 people, including low-income families, pregnant women, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities.
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As a nonpartisan organization, EPI is committed to advocating for the needs of our community. We closely monitor policy changes to keep people informed and empowered to take action where it matters most.
One of the most critical issues at hand is the potential reduction in federal Medicaid funding, which could have devastating effects on HCBS for individuals with I/DD. Advocacy tools inside article!
Millions more workers will soon qualify for overtime pay and advocates are warning that the changes are likely to further erode the availability of developmental disability services.
Our friends at American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR) have released a new Advocacy Toolkit to help step up your summer advocacy efforts!
EPI's Executive Operations Director, Maghan Bowman, has been awarded one of American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR)'s inaugural Rising Star Mid-Career Impact Award.
Join us in supporting the #DisabilityCommunityAct, which protects access to critical long-term supports and services for people with I/DD by increasing federal Medicaid funding for I/DD services over a three-year period.
EPI's Quality Improvement & Outcomes Director, Maghan Bowman, has been selected as American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR)'s Board of Representatives co-chair.
We at EPI are very excited for this new opportunity for Maghan and believe she is a perfect fit to represent Iowa on this Board.
Chris Sparks Receives ANCOR's Suellen Galbraith Award for Excellence in Public Policity
Congratulations to Abby Getz, Ciara Oder, and Gwen Lewis, they have been nominated for the American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR) Direct Support Professional (DSP) of the year - a national recognition.
As a field we are in the midst of massive and continuous change, each item challenging individually but truly overwhelming when taken as a whole. It is important to note that not all of these are bad, in fact some of them are both welcome and exciting, but they still represent significant challenges that make our professional lives stressful.
People with disabilities have had and still have to work daily to overcome discrimination and unfair treatment. As we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the ADA, we are reminded that President Bush stated at the signing of the bill, "Let the shameful walls of exclusion finally come tumbling down."
EPI's very own Chris Sparks has recently become the President of the American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR) Board of Directors.
Direct Support Staff (DSPs) are the true backbone of the organization, showing everyday their willingness to go above and beyond to support the individuals served.