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Recommended Reading for Job Seekers

posted by Lisa Paterno on Wednesday, August 12, 2015

This article from The Mighty titled, What They Don't Tell you About Working with Adults with Developmental Disabilities, was shared with me recently. I recommend this reading to anyone  looking for a career filled with purpose and meaning. Here's an excerpt:

They can’t explain the bond direct service personnel develop with the people they are supporting. I know what it’s like to have a conversation with someone who has been labeled non-verbal or low-functioning. After working with someone for awhile, you develop a bond so strong they can just give you a look and you know exactly what it means, what they want and what they’re feeling. And most of the time, all it boils down to is they want to be heard, listened to and included. Loved.

Read the whole article: http://themighty.com/2015/07/what-they-dont-tell-you-about-working-with-adults-with-developmental-disabilities/#ixzz3ibqP5wZt

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