on Thursday, December 22, 2022
This summer I celebrated my 14th anniversary serving this great mission at Exceptional Persons, Inc.
In those 14 years, my husband and I renovated a home just outside of Hudson (and we survived to tell the tale!), my three children have grown from “little ones” to tween and teenagers (in fact my oldest will graduate high school this spring).
My journey at EPI has been equally rich and is synonymous with “my family”. I have been blessed to work alongside people who have shaped me in ways I can’t adequately put into words. Shaped me as a mother, daughter, friend and colleague, and as a person.
I’m nostalgic by nature, so it’s not new for me to reflect on EPI’s rich history, the conversations I’ve had with family members (many who have been with us for decades if not our entire 65 years), to pause with pride on our evolution and the work we do.
As I start my journey in a new role as Executive Director, I can feel the way in which I view the world sharpening. A new energy, determination … as if a fire has been flamed.
It’s true, we are faced with many challenges as an industry, society, nation. It’s equally true we have cause for much celebration. While I could fill this newsletter with the many celebrations I see around EPI, it’s the people that make the top of my list. From the people we have the privilege of serving to our talented workforce who lead with heart, stewardship, creativity, and integrity.
I am incredibly honored and humbled to serve alongside our teams who are determined to make our little corner of the world a little better, a little brighter for the people we serve.