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Hawkeye Child Development Center

The Hawkeye Child Development Center - ALC is a program of EPI created through a partnership with Hawkeye Community College for children who are infant through preschool age. 

120 Jefferson Street
Waterloo, IA 50701

Hours: M-F 6:30 am - 5:30 pm
Phone:  319-296-4303

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Ready to join our waitlist?

Click here to let us know you're interested. Please note you'll be redirected to our secure enrollment system - ProCare. An application is required for each child. 

Parent Handbook

Click here to view our most recent Parent Handbook. Please note you'll be redirected to a pdf of this handbook.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact Child Care Center Coordinator, Sarah Errthum, at

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Visit our career opportunities page to see our current positions: click here.

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