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Day Habilitation Volunteers Their Time

posted on Monday, July 8, 2019

Every week, twice a week, EPI’s Day Habilitiation (Day Hab) program visits Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore to volunteer their time.

Each day, the people we serve through the Day Hab program are presented with a variety of activities and able to choose what they would like to participate in. 

“When I see ReStore on the list, I always choose it. I enjoy giving back to my community”, said Amanda, pictured above.

Her favorite activity while at the ReStore is determining the price for new items, price tagging, and placing them on the shelves to be purchased. 

Since 2016, EPI has had a Day Hab group out at ReStore volunteering, and more than once they have won the “Volunteers of the Month” award. 

But, the efforts don’t stop here. When volunteer time is available, the Day Hab program takes it. With the warm weather, Day Hab is back out at the Sunrise Children's Zoo in Waterloo for their second year. They do anything and everything to help operate the petting zoo - such as tending to animals, cleaning pens, helping visitors, and many other projects - like drawing the welcome sign pictured below!